Gut Health

Gut Health

Gut Health

Have You Meet Your Gut’s New BFF?

Have You Meet Your Gut’s New BFF?

Have You Meet Your Gut’s New BFF?

Willy Whiz

Willy Whiz

Willy Whiz

Sep 6, 2023

Sep 6, 2023

3 min read

3 min read

Your ticket to Gut health and deliciousness

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Stop for a second and picture this.. You’re standing in the bread aisle, staring at those plastic-wrapped loaves of white bread. You probably know they’re basically empty calories, but they’re so soft, and so convenient… Sounds familiar? There’s a reason bread has been a staple for centuries, but it doesn’t have to equal diet sabotage. Let me introduce you to sourdough spelt — the flavorful, ancient grain that might just change your relationship with bread for good.

Imagine traveling back in time, not to the era of neon leggings, but to ancient empires where spelt was the grain of choice for gladiators and conquerors. Sadly this isn’t the same wheat that fills today’s supermarket shelves. Spelt is un-hybridized, retaining a nutty flavor and a seriously impressive nutritional profile. Think tons of fiber to keep you satisfied, protein for sustained energy, and a good dose of vitamins and minerals that processed flour strips away.

Here is the catch, the real magic happens during the sourdough process. Sourdough isn’t made with those little packets of yeast; it uses a wild, bubbly starter culture. This living mix of bacteria and yeast pre-digests the grains through fermentation, boosting the bread’s nutritional value and making it easier on your gut. Think of it as giving those beneficial gut bacteria a delicious feast! So if bread usually makes you feel bloated or gassy, sourdough spelt might be the answer, especially since it helps break down some of those pesky FODMAPs.

Here’s where things get really interesting (and where my personal trick comes in): freezing your sourdough spelt bread can take its gut-friendly benefits to a whole new level. I Pop it in the freezer for a day or two, and some of those starches transform into resistant starches. These act like fiber, becoming an extra-special treat for those good gut microbes, potentially aiding in everything from weight management to blood sugar control.

If you’re lucky enough to be in Porto, make a beeline for Madan Paderia. Their sourdough spelt loaves are some of the tastiest I’ve found so far— the perfect balance of tangy, nutty, and satisfying.

So, the next time you’re staring longingly at the bread aisle, ditch the guilt and seek out a bakery offering true sourdough spelt. Your tastebuds will thank you for the satisfying flavor, and your body will feel the difference in energy, digestion, and overall well-being. Who knew bread could be this good for you?

Now, I want to hear from you! Have you discovered the wonders of sourdough spelt? What are your favorite ways to enjoy it? I would love to hear your thoughts on this one, you can share with me here.

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