The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

Willy Whiz

Willy Whiz

Willy Whiz

Mar 6, 2021

Mar 6, 2021

2 min read

2 min read

The Daily Mental Rush Hours!

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How to stop and rethink what you are doing?

Every day is filled with a to-do list on a never-ending cycle, the more days pass a pile of cumulative stuff gets unstoppable like a wrecking ball. However, we seldom stop to say,

Why am I going through this?

Where did I put myself in?

Why not start from ground zero?

1 2 3 inhale 3 2 1 exhale psssss.

Sometimes we say, only if the day had more than 24 hours I could get things accomplished, although let me tell you out of experience that this is the most deceiving statement ever. The problem lies not in the time but the organization of our day. You must stop for a second, “literally speaking” and breathe because the more you think you don’t have time, the more your life will look like a mess. We all have 24 hours a day although everybody compartmentalizes it completely different, now that’s the key to productivity.

I know everyone is saying the same thing over and over although let me tell you a short tale. The day I got arrested all my to-do things vanished in a microsecond, then my mind was filled with “the present moment” (What tha fuck can I do to get myself out of this nightmare?)




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